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HTML/CSS: Available


What is an Avatar?

An Avatar is a graphical representation of a user or a user's character. They typically use a photo, but can also use an icon or initials to visually indicate a person.

When, and why?

Avatars can be used to show a thumbnail representation of a logged in user in your applications or, for example, a photo of a user in a Profile page. Avatars are an important part in helping users identify themselves and other users, and also provides a human presence within an interface.

Avatars should be used in the top right of a navigation bar to show the logged in user, and should provide access to their Profile page. They can also be used in contact cards, chat UIs, community forums, etc.

Avatar types

The following Avatar types are available:

DefaultAn Avatar that contains a photo
With initialsAn Avatar that contains the user's initials
With iconAn Avatar that contains an icon
As sizedAllows an Avatar to use one of the following sizes; 32px, 40px (default size), 48px, 64px, and 96px

Using an Avatar

Displaying an Avatar

Avatars can be displayed individually or adjacent to each other on a single row.

Additionally, Avatars are available in different sizes, however it is important not to mix sizes. Avatars should only use one picture size across your entire product.

Avatar pictures

Although Avatars are typically used with photos, they can be used with icons. Choose one style to use across your entire product. In both cases, where a photo or icon is not available, they can also be used to display a user's initials.

When a photo or icon is not available or hasn't been supplied, a fall-back icon is automatically used. This is the generic User icon.

It is also important to remember that small images used in large Avatars will be upscaled, which could lead to distorted images. Always use compressed images and resize images near to the appropriate size. This will help maintain the best results, and reduce the impact on performance by stopping the application from needing to render large image files.

Live demo

Below, you can find a live demo for an Avatar component. Use the drop-down menus and radio buttons to view the different Avatar Types and Variants.

Select variant

Type selector
John Doe

Component accessibility

This component has been built to meet the current WCAG AA 2.1 guidelines. We also test these components against the guidelines before release.

Aria tags

Every component in Mosaic requires an appropriate Aria tag to ensure that screen readers can effectively parse the page. Aria tags are provided as part of Mosaic. Please do not override these without good reason.

Ensure that Aria tags are used as appropriate signposts throughout the product.

Focus state

An Avatar needs to have a focus state - a focus state is when you tab into an element to interact with it. Ensure that users can use their keyboard to focus on Avatar.

Key Binding

An Avatar needs to be able to be interacted with via a keyboard. Where possible we will provide key-binds within our Mosaic component or there will be default HTML ones. If this isn't the case then please implement logical key-binds for all intractable components.

DesignDocumentationHTML/CSSWeb Component
