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HTML/CSS: Available Web Component: Available


What is a Table?

A Table is a useful component for displaying and editing large amounts of data like statistics, employee clock ins, holidays, etc. Data displayed within a table is both organised and customisable.

Tables consist of logical rows and columns to help users easily find and reference sections of data.

Table component

When, and why?

A Table is useful when you have tabular data to display, such as data for charts. Tables can help users easily digest large amounts of data, and can be especially useful when a user might need to edit this data or find a specific piece easily.

For example, in Advanced HR, Tables are used to show a list of how many holidays you have booked and when they are. You can then perform a series of actions on each of these specific rows.

Please be mindful that Tables should make data and information easier to digest information, not harder.

Table types

The following Table types are available - each type of Table also allows you to include a subheading:

As simpleA simple Table for presenting static data.
As dataA Table for presenting data that can be filtered, sorted, searched, managed, etc.

Table properties

The following Table properties are available:

ColumnsSpecifies the number of columns to display
ActionsShows/hides the Actions column*
Multi-selectShows/hides the milt-select column*

*As data only

Using a Table

Table data

First, and most importantly, Tables should only be used for data. Data can contain words, but long sentences of text within a table should be avoided.

If you do need to use long text (for example when the text itself is a piece of data, like a reason for an absence when an employee has booked holiday), the text should be truncated in order to give the user an overview of the information. However, a Tooltip should be used to reveal all of the information within that particular cell.

Table sizing

Tables should not have so many rows that they need a vertical scroll bar - pagination should be used instead as part of the footer Table pattern. Tables should have at least 13 rows before using pagination.

Similarly, we recommend 6 columns maximum within the Table - some products may need more, but it may be worth reviewing the product's information architecture when creating Tables to ensure that all columns are necessary for the user experience.

Table Actions

In order to perform an action on a single/multiple Table row, you can access the overflow menu and actions will appear in there. To perform multiple actions, user the overflow menu in the header, this will contain the actions that you can perform on those items selected only.

Zebra striping

The zebra striping should not be overridden within a Table, as it is there to help users scan and follow the Table's content easier - it is also helpful in maintaining accessibility standards of your product.

Headers & Footers

Table titles, search, export, filters and the overflow menu for triggering whole Table actions etc. must be paired with the Table header component. Similarly, Pagination should be used with the Table footer component. Both of these components fall under the Table pattern.

You can use the Table component alone, but never use the Table header or Table footer components without the Table component.

Text alignment

All column header text should be left aligned regardless of the content below it. This improves its usability as the text is easier to scan. The data text should always be left aligned also with one exception.

Where numerical values are displayed, such as in a Finance application where you may have wholes numbers or decimals, these should always be right aligned. This improves the user's ability to review numerical data quickly. The header for these rows remains left aligned.

Live demo

Below, you can find a live demo for an Checkbox component. Use the drop-down menus and radio buttons to view the different Checkbox Types and Variants.

Select variant

Type selector
Donuts3,000Food and drinkXXXX-78978
Wine11,000Food and drinkXXXX-32237
Beer40,000Food and drinkXXXX-45328
Coffee10,000Food and drinkXXXX-54953

Component accessibility

This component has been built to meet the current WCAG AA 2.1 guidelines. We also test these components against the guidelines before release.

Aria tags

Every component in Mosaic requires an appropriate Aria tag to ensure that screen readers can effectively parse the page. Aria tags are provided as part of Mosaic. Please do not override these without good reason.

Ensure that Aria tags are used as appropriate signposts throughout the product.

Colour Combinations

When designing with a Table, you should be mindful of the colour combinations you are using. The components have been designed with this in mind, but if you are using colours that are not part of the default component, please ensure that there is a clear colour contrast within the parts of the component and between the Table and the background it is on. To check the contrast, please use WebAIM's contrast checker.

Focus state

A Table needs to have a focus state - a focus state is when you tab into an element to interact with it. Ensure that users can use their keyboard to focus on the Table along with all of the rows, columns, buttons and content that make up the Table as per standard and best HTML practise for building Tables.


An icon needs to have underlying code that describes what action the icon takes. the labels should be specific - for example, a 'bin' icon for delete should be labelled 'delete' not 'bin'..

Key Binding

A Table needs to be able to be interacted with via a keyboard. Where possible we will provide key-binds within our Mosaic component or there will be default HTML ones. If this isn't the case then please implement logical key-binds for all intractable components.

This is some content in relation to the status of this component.

DesignDocumentationHTML/CSSWeb Component
