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HTML/CSS: Available Web Component: Available


What are Tabs?

Tabs allow a significant amount of content to be viewed without having to navigate away from the page - the content is instead broken up into multiple sections with each section having its own tab available that can be opened by selecting its name.

When, and why?

Tabs are an easy way to organize content and switch between related content. Tabs consist of two or more Tabs that can be selected to open what seems like a 'new page', however the user actually remains on the original page, but different content is displayed. By remaining on the original page, the user doesn't need to reload the entire page and can navigate between two related areas much quicker than if they were on separate pages.

Tabs can be shown horizontally or vertically to adapt and suit the content being shown, and the device being used to view it.

Tab types

The following types of Tab are available:

As defaultA Tab that is styled like a traditional tab, that can contain an optional Chip and displayed horizontally or vertically.
As barA modern Tab that is styled with a bar, that can contain an optional Chip and displayed horizontally or vertically.
As pillA modern Tab that is styled like using a pill, that can contain an optional Chip and displayed horizontally or vertically.

Tab properties

The following Tab properties are available:

StateSets the state of the Tab: Default, Hover, Active, Selected, and Disabled
SizeSets the size of the Tab to small or and medium (which is the default size)
Divider (Horizontal tabs only)Shows/hides a dividing line underneath the tabs
Inline (Horizontal tabs only)Sets the tabs to be full width
OrientationSets the orientation of the Tab, which can be horizontal or vertical
ChipShows/hides a Chip in each tab

Tab compositions

Below you can find examples of the compositions you could create using a Tab:

Using Tabs

Horizontal Tabs

Horizontal Tabs provide more vertical space and enable easy scanning of items, which helps with reading from left to right. They also allow you to occupy the content area of your page with content only.

Vertical Tabs

Vertical Tabs work best for form or installation wizards when a user is working down a list of steps - Horizontal Tabs are best for groups of related information.

Number of Tabs

You should only use Tabs when you have two or more Tabs, and a maximum number of eight. If you have more than eight, then they will not remain on a single row. Be mindful of the number of Tabs that you use - while Tabs are quicker to navigate than separate pages, they still require interaction from the user. Ensure you group related content into the same Tab to avoid forcing the user to swap between many, many Tabs for a single process.

Tab ordering

Tabs should be arranged in a logical order. They do not need to be sorted alphabetically, and you should aim to have the Tabs that are the most used first, and Tabs that have less usage towards the end.

Tab styling

The size of the Tabs should not be modified. They are large enough for users to easily select them. For mobile users, the Tabs need to be at least the size of a finger (about 30px wide).

Tab headers and content

A Tab title should be no longer than one or two words - users should be able to quickly scan across the Tabs to find what they are looking for. The titles should be clear and concise and give the user information about what each Tab contains. For more information, please see the Structure section of the Style Guide.

Ensure that each Tab is displaying the correct content for their header. If the header doesn't match the content, this will lead to confusion for users. Content should also be related to the rest of the content in the Tab - multipurpose Tabs should be avoided and unrelated content should be split out into their own areas.

Tabs as navigation

Tabs should not be used an an alternative form of navigation. Do not be tempted to replace links or Breadcrumbs with Tabs to take the user to another page or part of the application.

Switching Tabs on mobile

When Tabs on mobile devices do not all fit into one screen (typically when there are four or more Tabs), then you should ensure that the header containing the Tabs can be navigated via swiping. The user should be able to swipe the header left and right to scroll through the available Tabs:

Live demo

Below, you can find a live demo for the Tabs component. Use the drop-down menus and radio buttons to view the different Tabs Types and Variants.

Select variant

Type selector

    Component accessibility

    This component has been built to meet the current WCAG AA 2.1 guidelines. We also test these components against the guidelines before release.

    Aria tags

    Every component in Mosaic requires an appropriate Aria tag to ensure that screen readers can effectively parse the page. Aria tags are provided as part of Mosaic. Please do not override these without good reason.

    Ensure that Aria tags are used as appropriate signposts throughout the product.

    Colour Combinations

    When designing with Tabs, you should be mindful of the colour combinations you are using. The components have been designed with this in mind, but if you are using colours that are not part of the default component, please ensure that there is a clear colour contrast within the parts of the component and between the Tabs and the background it is on. To check the contrast, please use WebAIM's contrast checker.

    Focus state

    Tabs need to have a focus state - a focus state is when you tab into an element to interact with it. Ensure that users can use their keyboard to focus on the Tabs.


    An icon needs to have underlying code that describes what action the icon takes. the labels should be specific - for example, a 'bin' icon for delete should be labelled 'delete' not 'bin'.

    Key Binding

    Tabs need to be able to be interacted with via a keyboard. Where possible we will provide key-binds within our Mosaic component or there will be default HTML ones. If this isn't the case then please implement logical key-binds for all intractable components.


    Please refer to the WCAG guidelines for the time-based considerations for animations.

    ###Code Accessibility Tip

    The active tab should have the attribute aria-selected set to true, and the others to false. The active panel associated with the active tab should have the attribute aria-hidden set to true, and the others to false. In addition, each tab should have an aria-controls attribute set to the id of the matching panel and each panel should have an aria-labelled by attribute set to the id of the tab associated with the panel.

    DesignDocumentationHTML/CSSWeb Component
