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The Mosaic team

Mosaic has a passionate and dedicated team of designers and developers behind it, all working together to create an accessible, inclusive, performant, consistent and beautiful design system.

Aaron Lowe
UX Designer - Education

Also uses cookies to improve performance.

Addie Huang
UX Designer - Finance & Spend Management

CS background, but more into design and research. Introverted extrovert ;)

Alex Smith
Senior UX Designer - Advanced HR

Answers questions with more questions... Tea, white, none, please!

Aminah Omar
UX Designer - Legal

Bea Jaskeviciute
UX Designer - Performance & Talent

A beach-loving, surf-obsessed adventurous spirit, who is also into movies and all things design.

Chris Dove
UX Designer - People Management

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Christian Baverstock
Director of Experience & Service Design

There's no 'I' in 'Team,' but there are four in 'Platitude-Quoting Idiot.'

Dan Hitchins
Senior Accessibility Engineer

I just want to make web pages silky-smooth!

Dixita Shah
Senior Test Engineer

Geoff Faiers
Principal Front End Engineer

JS writing, Dota playing, whisky drinking, Yorkshire lad.

James Cavanagh
Principal UX Engineer

So good at constructing pretty web pages there is now a verb in his honour: "Jamesification".

Jonathan Smith
Senior Visual Designer

Visual design nut from Yorkshire, who is fuelled by coffee, Marmite, and pixel-perfection!

Lisa Wilton
Senior User Researcher

Lisa is the one on the left

Louise Foster
Head of Experience Design

Loves the constant evolution of design! Also loves crisps and Marmite!!

Mallesh Venkate
UI Engineer

Smashing bugs for life

Morven Graham
Principal Experience Designer - Education

Passionate about design, discovery and Dolly Parton

Reeya Paul
Senior UX Designer - Finance

Likes most things art, design or craft related; loves baking, food & karaoke!

Sam Bright
Content Designer

Resident word wizard that likes speling tings gud.

Shrinidhi Kulal
UI Engineer - MDS

Zoe Coultan-Noble
Senior UX Designer - People Platform

Designer, crisp eater and tiny toy collector.
