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HTML/CSS: Available


What is a Popover?

A Popover is an overlay that can show additional information to the user - however, it does differ from a Tooltip. A Popover will typically be reserved for information that goes above-and-beyond what would normally be shown in a Tooltip. Unlike Tooltips, they are dismissed by selecting an icon within the Popover, not just when the user moves away from the Popover.

Top row the left, right, top and bottom popovers. On the second row is the top left, bottom left, top right and bottom right popover. The bottom row is the Left top, right top, left bottom and right bottom component

When, and why?

Popovers should be used sparingly - they should only be used when you need to display non-critical information that will aid the user's decision making. For example, you could add a Popover to an Avatar to show a user's full name and job title:

Or maybe to show how much stock they have left of a particular item?

Popover types

The following Popover types are available:

As defaultA typical Popover that includes only text. Select the button to make the Popover appear.

Popover properties

The following Popover properties are available:

PointerSpecifies which side of the Popover its arrow/pointer is placed; Top, Bottom, Left, or Right
PositionSets the position of the Popover arrow/pointer on the specified side; Start, Middle, or End
TitleShows/hides the Popover title
Close iconShows/hides the Close icon


Popover triggers

Although similar to a Tooltip, the major difference is that a Popover must be triggered and dismissed by a click. The trigger could be a something like a button or an image, but the Popover would never appear by simply hovering over the item.

A Popover should always be triggered when an element is selected (such as when it is tapped on mobile or clicked with a mouse).

Popover content

A Popover can hold more content than a Tooltip, although it should never be over-populated or over-used. The content in a Popover should be seen as ‘additional information’ and not crucial to the user's decision-making. A Popover should only ever add to the user's experience, and never be a requirement. They are the cherry that you add on top of the cake, not the batter.

There are many uses of a Popover, ranging from a larger Tooltip, to a Popover that contains additional HTML content.

Popover positioning

Popovers can be configured to appear either at the top or bottom and left or right of the trigger using the placement attribute. Consider the layout of the page and what content (if any) would be hidden by the Popover when designing with one.

Live demo

Below, you can find a live demo for a Popover component. Use the drop-down menus and radio buttons to view the different Popover Types and Variants.

Select variant

Type selector

Component accessibility

This component has been built to meet the current WCAG AA 2.1 guidelines. We also test these components against the guidelines before release.

Aria tags

Every component in Mosaic requires an appropriate Aria tag to ensure that screen readers can effectively parse the page. Aria tags are provided as part of Mosaic. Please do not override these without good reason.

Ensure that Aria tags are used as appropriate signposts throughout the product.

Colour Combinations

When designing with an Popover, you should be mindful of the colour combinations you are using. The components have been designed with this in mind, but if you are using colours that are not part of the default component, please ensure that there is a clear colour contrast within the parts of the component and between the Popover and the background it is on. To check the contrast, please use WebAIM's contrast checker.

Focus state

A Popover needs to have a focus state - a focus state is when you tab into an element to interact with it. Ensure that users can use their keyboard to focus on the Popover.


An icon needs to have underlying code that describes what action the icon takes. the labels should be specific - for example, a 'bin' icon for delete should be labelled 'delete' not 'bin'.

Key Binding

A Popover needs to be able to be interacted with via a keyboard. Where possible we will provide key-binds within our Mosaic component or there will be default HTML ones. If this isn't the case then please implement logical key-binds for all intractable components.


Please refer to the WCAG guidelines for the time-based considerations for animations.

DesignDocumentationHTML/CSSWeb Component
