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Product branding is used to ensure a clear identity that represents our core values. This helps us work towards a unified customer journey and experience for our users, whilst also allowing our Marketing teams to differentiate us from competitors.

This is simplified by our mission statement – “Making a Difference” – and that is at the core of the Mosaic philosophy. It is about making a difference, not only for our product teams, but by delivering changes to the overall product experience for the benefit of the end users of our products.

You can view the extended brand guidelines on the OneAdvanced Hub. However, not all of these apply to Mosaic and our product interfaces, so the following sections explain the key points.

Note: You may need to log in to access the OneAdvanced Hub.

The OneAdvanced logo is displayed in the top left-hand corner of the sidebar. We only use the OneAdvanced chevron, as this is the most recognisable part of the brand and fits nicely into the available space. The logo must not be used in any other location or format. The space adjacent to the logo is used to display the product name (Home page only) or the title of the current page. If you have any questions about this, please email


Product logos should also become the favicon on the site. This favicon will appear in the label for browser tabs, to the left of the browser tab label. Please refer to Browser tab titles for more information on the <title> tag for browser tab labels.


The Mosaic colour palette has been specifically chosen to compliment the OneAdvanced brand colours, whilst also ensuring our products are aligned with colour use in web applications and support for accessibility. For more information, please refer to the Accessibility page.

Unfortunately, colours that look great in marketing material do not always work when used in the context of a software application, especially with regards to colour contrast. As such, the Mosaic colours are intentionally different and must not be changed. For more information, please refer to the Colours page.


With the exception of icons, any images or graphics used in our applications must be handled and approved by the Branding team, in conjunction with the UX team. This applies to login screen backgrounds, splash screens, product imagery, etc. There are specific images for use with each distinct market, so it is essential that both teams are consulted before placing any images in your applications.

It is also worth noting that hi-resolution images tend to have large file sizes, so careful consideration must be given to performance, particularly in mobile applications where users may be using mobile data.

Login screens

For many users, the login screen is the first touch point of our brand. This is why we have specific login screen designs, which combine UX best practice, visual design, and Advanced branding. These designs must always be used and must not be changed in any way, unless there is a specific circumstance, such as white labelling for partners. Where this is the case, the UX team must be consulted. If you have any questions about this, please email

